
The OTTO Family Home

Before moving to Fort East Martello Museum, Robert resided at the Artist House on Eaton Street in what was formerly the Otto family home.  The home is two stories with a large turret on the front as well as striking columns and a wraparound veranda. The room under the turret was once Gene’s nursery and, in later years, his art studio and bedchamber.

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Robert finds a new home

Following Gene Otto’s death, Robert remained in the attic of the Otto house under the supervision of the new owners, William and Myrtle Reuter. After a few years, Myrtle sold the Eaton Street house and moved to Von Phister Street, taking Robert with her.  In 1994, she donated Robert to the Key West Art & Historical Society claiming he moved around her house on his own and was haunted.

Since he was donated to the Society, Robert has been on display at the Fort East Martello Museum along with his friend Leo.  The museum welcomes visitors to see Robert.  Be respectful, ask permission to take his photograph if you stop by.

How to Visit Robert

Robert in the News

After he was put on exhibit at Fort East Martello Museum, cameras and electronic devices malfunctioned in his presence, and soon letters began arriving addressed to the doll offering apologies for disrespectful behavior or asking forgiveness.

Ghost hunters, TV shows, psychics, skeptics and believers visit Robert on a regular basis to witness first-hand the strange stories they have heard. Is Robert cursed by voodoo? Thriving on the energy placed upon him by Gene? A misunderstood doll with a playful spirit? Or perhaps just a doll joined by the spirit of his lifelong companion? We leave it up to his visitors to decide.

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Robert the Doll has a simple rule when you visit him – be respectful and ask permission to take his photo.  Many do not heed the warning, believing the rule to be stupid, or that it doesn’t apply to them.  Those who do not seek permission often have troubles after they take leave of Robert and some claim to be cursed.  Apology letters flood in to the museum hoping to break the curse.  Hard to believe?  These are real letters from real people.

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“I don’t know if my visit upset you as it was never meant to be…Since my visit to Key West I have experienced some very horrible events. I just hope they are not connected in any way to my visit. But if they are, please accept my humblest apologies for anything that may have offended you during my time there.”
-Tracy S.
Dear Robert, I accidentally took footage of you. I am sorry. I should of asked permission. I will delete the video ASAP. I hope you can forgive me.

Visit Robert’s Online Store

The Fort East Martello Museum carries unique Robert the Doll products both online and in-store.  Whether you are looking for a mini Robert the Doll replica, books, t-shirts, coffee mugs, magnets, or candles, we have something for fans of Robert.  Purchases support the Fort East Martello Museum and help care for Robert.

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Visit and Experience

Robert the Doll has permanently resided at Fort East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida since 1994.  The museum is open daily from 10:00am to 4:30pm.  The cost of general admission to the fort includes a visit with Robert.  Click below for more information about the museum, its location and admission cost.

How to Visit Robert